Being Proud

I had an interesting conversation over a Facebook status; and I do not want to loose it in FaceBook status’; so here is an extract of it:


Relax, sit back, listen to your favorite music, feel proud of all the good you have done for this society, have respect for everyone around you, gift a chocolate to a homeless kid outside a temple, give a loaf of bread to a stray dog, lie down on grass and look at the sky and listen to chirping birds.. Believe me you will be happy from your soul, Life is simply too awesome.. Live it UP!!! 😉


Ashish Mukherjee I follow many things among these, i almost feed a stray dog everyday, i look up to the sky to relax, i listen to music, etc., but still struggling to find find out something to be proud of which I’ve done good for this society….. it’s a tough job I guess for me….. 😦


Kapil Viren Ahuja ‎@Ashish – I dont know you so wont judge; but I can say that all that you do is to be proud off. Because we run for big things; we miss out on smaller ones. Think – if we all would feed 1 time meal to someone say a couple of times a week; how many wont go without food.


Ashish Mukherjee

‎@KVA: Hi, mostly i read your posts on Shanu’s posts quiet on a lighter side, but it was great reading an appreciation for what i do, but those aren’t anything which anyone does to feel proud of or keeping in mind that we are doing anything… good, people just do these things when they are missing something probably (not sure), same the case with me, apart from it, when talking about the society, i am feeding the stray dogs, which aren’t giving any such great impact on the society, then….. so in my case, again, still need to struggle lil more to find out that factor, but in any case, thanks a lot, it was good that even these things can be appreciated…. 🙂
Kapil Viren Ahuja IMHO – the reason i feel we should be proud of it is because – there are 99.99% people out there who dont do anything. I am not going to debate the reasons or why.
Ashish Mukherjee ‎@KVA: Kya Kapil Mama, you just ended the topic, it was just great having few words with you… Thanks. 🙂

What I understand is that yeah feeding Stray-dogs is not enough; but what I do like is the fact that Ashish does something; this behavior one day will lead him to do bigger things; it reminds me of Small Steps.